This entity stores a raw point cloud. This is how point clouds are uploaded into the system for later processing.

Once you select “Point Cloud” from the “Add” menu, you will see the following options:

Item Name

A readable name for the new entity

Capture Device

An optional string to identify capture device

Capture Date

An optional field containing the original capture date

Horizontal Datum

Horizontal datum used in the point cloud

Vertical Datum

Vertical datum used in the point cloud


Projection used by the point cloud

Horizontal Units

Horizontal unit type used in the point cloud

Vertical Units

Vertical unit type used in the point cloud


Once you have provided values to these fields, click on “Choose Files”. This will prompt a file selection dialog where multiple files can be selected for uploading. The following file types are currently supported:

  1. Text Files (ASCII) with comma or space separated values.
  2. LAS files
  3. LAZ files
  4. ZIP archive files containing compressed Text, LAS or LAZ files.

Click on “Create” to begin the upload process. You can track the upload operation from the “Pending” section in the project’s page.